OPEN Host Kibin Alleyne sits down with the Business and Community Liaison at the South Bronx Job Corps Academy, Beth Gardner, to discuss the services, resources, and opportunities available at South Bronx Job Corps, and how it’s making a difference in the lives of young adults. Learn about the various workforce development programs and supports at South Bronx Job Corps, and how they can help you find a trained and supported intern for your business at little to no cost! CLICK HERE TO WATCH ON YOUTUBE
Click here to listen to The Lehman College School of Business "LEAP into Business" podcast with Lisa Sorin, the dynamic and first female President of The Bronx Chamber of Commerce who shares her journey of leadership and community development, including her pivotal role in transforming the Westchester Square BID and founding the Bronx Chamber of Commerce Scholarship program. Listen to this insightful interview facilitated by co-hosts Dr. Sean Stein Smith DBA, CPA and Lawrence Fauntleroy: Click To View
Running a small business is no easy task. From product research to marketing, there are many expenses that come with starting and maintaining a business. To ensure that you're prepared for any financial surprises, it’s important to create a financial safety net by utilizing free resources and learning how to save money on everyday expenses. The Bronx Chamber of Commerce is ready to help you get started with this list of tips:Utilize Free Online Tools When running a small business, it’s important to make